The Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BCCI) is an independent and non-profit organization with public benefit, which represents the private sector in the governorate, and has an important role in the economic scope of work as well. BCCI is one of the leading associations that strengths the economy in the governorate, and in spite of all obstacles it is attracting new investments in collaboration with inve...
Our Services
Main services
Qualitative Services
Other services
BCCI offers basic services to its members, which include the following:
1. Preparation and certification of personal identification certificate and the practice of profession.
2. Issuance of member certificate / partner / employee to obtain a merchant permit.
3. Prepare certificate of origin.
4. Preparation of Jordanian passport transactions.
5. Ratification all kinds of guarantees (judicial, damages, student).
6. Organize training courses and workshops concerned with the affairs of the private sector.
7. Organize meetings for businessmen & businesswomen, and work on networking between them and the local associations.
8. Dissemination of information and data relating to members of the General Assembly upon request.
9. Issuance of identification cards for members of the General Assembly.
The Center works on providing several qualitative services to members, which aim to promote and market the products of the Bethlehem Governorate. These services include:
1. Promote local products through displaying samples of them in the permanent exhibition, where local delegations; school students, some local visitors and foreign delegations
call for a tour.
2. Issue business cards to the participants in the exhibition to facilitate the promotion of their products abroad.
3. Issue specialized introductory bulletins, brochures and catalogs to promote the local industry.
4. Organize specialized training courses that aim to increase the awareness of members on various economic topics, as well as specialized workshops to improve management within the companies and local enterprises.
1. BCCI offers a number of its halls for the use of its members, institutions and trade unions to hold meetings and organize conferences & seminars.
2. Organize and participate in the organization of many economic & social activities in the various occasions and holidays, such as: The Olive Festival, The Holidays' Festival, The Yacht Med Festival in Italy, and other activities that promote local craft & industrial products that reflect the social responsibility of the Chamber towards the society.
3. Provide and circulate information: This service is geared to individuals, institutions and local and foreign official bodies that address the Chamber for information. These applications revolve around the following topics:
3.1 Statistics and figures about some of the economic indicators in the Bethlehem Governorate.
3.2 Information about:
- Local and international exhibitions.
- Import and export procedures.
- Companies produce certain goods in certain countries for the purpose of import.
- A list of the members of the General Assembly in the Chamber.
4. Hold specialized sectoral meetings and make recommendations to the concerned authorities.
5. Provide investment ideas for potential investors.
6. Develop plans that contribute to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
7. Promote and market local products.